The Lunar Sabbath – Part 3
The Divine Number
by: Thomas Akens

GOD is the Author of numbers, and he created them for the express
purpose of counting. It’s what they were designed to do –
to define or measure time & space. Numbers, therefore, by reason
of their very design, function as the basis for all measurement. Each
measurement (with the exception of the number 1) has a beginning and
ending number, and thus forms a sequence. Sequences were, by their
very nature, designed by God to be perfectly reproducible and
predictable in their results. As natural laws produce predictable
results, so also do numbers – “What goes up must come
down,” is as reproducible and predictable a fact as is the
equation 1 + 1 = 2.
Numbers are tools, and if we want to know the purpose of any tool,
we only need to examine how it is used, and what it is used for –
hammers are designed for driving or pounding, knives and scissors are
for cutting, rope is to bind or secure objects, etc. While it is true
that every tool’s use may not be readily obvious, yet this is
certainly not the case with numbers. Men may speculate as to why we
have just five fingers and two hands, yet to the Christian it must be
obvious that it is by design; for God made us that way. But why did
he give man just five digits? The simplest answer is, he wanted us to
count, and he knew that twos, fives, and tens are the easiest
sequences for counting, and are, therefore, the most useful for
everyday purposes.
I ask you, dear reader, What could be more reasonable than for the
Lord God, after having measured out the original seven day week, to
expect man to follow his example, and to count out all the following
weeks? One 19th century Sabbath keeper and Bible scholar expresses
this purpose of God in the following clear and forceful manner:
the beginning of time, God began to
count days, giving to each an ordinal number for its name. Seven
different days receive as many different names. In memory of that
which he did on the last of these days, he sets that apart by name to
a holy use. This act gave existence to weeks, or periods of seven
days. For with the seventh day, he ceased to count, and, by the
divine appointment of that day to a holy use in memory of his rest
thereon, he causes man to begin the count of a new week so soon as
the first seventh day had ceased. And as God has been pleased to give
man, in all, but seven different days, and has given to each one of
these days a name which indicates its exact place in the week, his
act of setting apart one of these by name, which act created weeks
and gave man the Sabbath, can never – except by sophistry –
be made to relate to an indefinite or uncertain day. ― John
Nevins Andrews – “History of the Sabbath and First Day of
the Week,” p. 16 (1873)
Add too this well-stated fact the following corroborating
enumeration of the days of the week commenced at Sunday. Saturday was
the last or seventh, and was the Hebrew Sabbath, or day of rest. . .
. From the circumstance that the Sabbath was the principal day of the
week, the whole period of seven days was likewise called תבש
in Syriac אתבש
in the New Testament σάββατον
[sabbaton] and σάββατα
[sabbata]. ― “A Biblical & Theological Dictionary,”
pp. 952-53, article “Weeks,” by Richard Watson &
Nathan Bangs (1833) (brackets are supplied)
Thus the “week” was born which contains but seven days
– the perfect number/sequence. It is seen at once to be divine,
and this fact alone can answer man’s nigh universal reverence
for the number seven. It is also just as clear that man had no part
in either its commencement or its institution. It is no more
dependent upon him for either its existence or its function, as are
the sun, moon, or stars; for as each successive day comes and goes
unaided by man, so by the passage of the seven successive days of
creation the holy Sabbath once more returns unbidden. As there is no
interruption in the successive passage of days, so there can be no
interruption in the successive passage of weeks, months, and years.
For when the sun sets upon the earth at the close of the sixth day,
and darkness once more prevails over earth and sky, then it is that
the Sabbath day once more commences on schedule at its divinely
appointed time, its mo‘ed. To acknowledge that the passage of
time by its very nature is continual, consistent, and regular, is
also to grant that the seven day sequence we call a “week”
is by its very nature an unbroken and consistent cycle or sequence.
And it is all by the Creator’s purpose and design. There can be
no escape from this conclusion, except by denying the very premise of
the Creation and the continuum of time.
The week, therefore, was divinely born for a purpose. What was
that purpose, you ask? Answer, only that which the Lord God himself
hath declared:
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep
it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the
seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not
do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor
thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy
gates: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and
all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD
blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” ― Exodus
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Seventh Day Home Church
P.O. Box 262, Laconia, NH 03246,
Phone: 530 708-2381
Chief Editor: David Sims
Assistant Editor: Thomas Akens
Proof-reader: Alice Fredrick
Layout: Thomas Akens